
Ticks are often mistaken for insects, but they are actually arachnids. Regarding tick identification, they are classified into two categories: soft ticks and hard ticks. Soft ticks often feed on bats and birds, while hard ticks feed on humans, pets, and nuisance wildlife. Regardless, if you are dealing with an infestation, the removal of ticks from your property should be handled by a professional exterminator. A professional can help you identify the type of ticks you are dealing with and the safest and most efficient process for tick removal.

في حال ظهور أي من الإشارات الدالة على وجود القراد، تواصل مع هيبيوس فوراً. سنكون في خدمتك وتخليصك منها في الحال، مع تقديم النصح والإرشاد اللازمين لتجنب ظهورها مستقبلاً.

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