
By scientific definition, Fumigation is the action of releasing a toxic chemical (Fumigant) in the gaseous state to control a targeted pest. Fumigant is a chemical which, at the required temperature and pressure, exists in the gaseous state in sufficient concentrations to be lethal to a targeted pest.

Fumigation of Stored Products Pests

Fumigation of stored products such as grains, is executed to kill grain pests at all stages of their life cycle (egg, larva, pupa, adult); phosphine gas needs to reach, and be maintained at, a concentration possible only in a gas-tight storage.

Fumigation of Shipment Pests

As the freight industry continues to grow, especially in the UAE, cargo fumigation has become an increasingly integral part of the logistics process in the ports. The process of fumigation of shipment pests consists of introducing a fumigant into a vessel, container, warehouse, or other enclosure in order to eliminate insect pests, mites, or other harmful pests the cargo.

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